Green Spot
Green Spot takes the plant nursery experience digital as a Web Responsive App. Gardeners and plant enthusiast can now purchase all their green thumb wares online and have it shipped to their doorstep. Indoor plants, outdoor plants, soil, seeds, pots, and any manner of planting tools are found in Green Spot’s inventory. Membership unleashes the real power of Green Spot. Subscribe to seasonal plants so you’re planting at the opportune time, and receive advance notice on sales and exclusive discounts.
Date: 2020
UX Design
UI Design
Web Design
Icon Design

Photo by Irina Iriser

I usually begin with pencil sketches, but for this project, I started with simple low fidelity wireframes directly in Sketch.


I made a unique choice for this project and invented a persona around the inspiration for this service. I named her Betsy, the grandmother to the founder of Green Spot. Completely false, but it helped me make inspired choices around a core philosophy.

Photo by Irina Iriser

The Green Spot colors are symbolic of gardening and the founder's origins. The founder’s grandmother was fond of gardening and coined her garden the Green Spot. Her home was a humid climate with lush greenery and dark soil. Based on this knowledge I picked a green hue for the deep greens in wetter climates, a light yellow for an early morning haze and a black shade for rich dark soils.


Gardens and plants leave an impression on the mind. These memories last forever so for the headings I wanted a type that conveyed timelessness. I found it in Libre Baskerville, an elegant font from 1941 known for its legibility.


I used Material icons for site navigation and utility buttons such as “likes” and “share”. I wanted top site navigation to stand out from other icons so I reserved the color black for the menu, shopping cart, and closing button. The rest of the icon family uses Green Spot's custom green hue.